Our Marketing Communications
Important Notice for Marketing Communications
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Offering Documents of the relevant fund, or where applicable, the KIID before making any final investment decisions.
This communication is only being made available to and is only directed at persons in the United Kingdom or EEA who are professionals, defined as Eligible Counterparties, or Professional Clients, within the meaning of the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.
Under no circumstances should any information contained in this communication be regarded as an offer or solicitation to deal in investments in any jurisdiction. This communication is not aimed at US investors.
Where risks or rewards of purchasing units in any fund are referenced, please refer to the risks outlined in either the KIID or Offering Documents. Any fund managed by Lyxor Asset Management will be subject to, inter alia, the following risks:
Market price risk: any investment fund is subject to fluctuations in the value of its investments. For UCITS funds, an indicator of market risk is set out in the Fund’s Synthetic Risk Reward Indicator (SRRI), which is available in the Fund's KIID.
FX Risk: investments in the Fund may be subject to fluctuations in FX.
Derivatives & leverage risk: derivatives can change in value rapidly and may cause losses to any investment fund.
Credit Risk: the risk that the issuer of any debt securities held by the fund defaults or does not meet it’s obligations.
Counterparty/Custodial Risk: a counterparty with whom a Fund contracts or a custodian holding a Fund’s holding assets may fail to meet its obligations or become bankrupt, which may expose that Fund to a financial loss.
Liquidity Risk: is the risk that there are insufficient buyers or sellers of a given investment to allow an investment fund trade readily which may impact the Fund’s performance or (in extreme circumstances) an investor’s ability to redeem.
Operational Risk: human error, system and/or process failures, inadequate procedures or controls can cause losses to any investment fund.
Where any performance is referenced, please note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.
Where simulated or scenario-based performance is referenced, please note that the scenarios presented are an estimate of future performance based on evidence from the past on how the value of this investment varies, and/or current market conditions and are not an exact indicator. What you will receive will vary depending on how the market performs and how long you keep the investment/product.
In the United Kingdom, this material is a financial promotion and is issued by Lyxor Asset Management , which is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authorities and the European Economic Area.